1·So we must develop industry cluster to realize the change from a big country to a powerful country in automobile industry.
2·Design and develop industry control software with component technology can make the software has better open system, generality, adaptability.
3·It is suggested to develop industry of the fine chemicals concerned with some superior raw materials in Hunan province, such as toluene, phosgene and citric acid.
4·The Vision IV is a clear statement that JAC is moving into the Hybrid market and aiming to develop industry leading solutions for the future of the automotive world.
通过开发Vision IV,江淮明确表示开始迈向混合动力汽车市场,致力开发世界领先汽车科技产业。
5·To underpin the implementation of the QF, EMB proposes to set up industry Training Advisory Committees ITACs to develop industry Training Specifications ITSs for individual industry sectors.
6·As Abernathy's study of automobile manufacturers has shown, an industry can easily become prisoner of its own investments in cost-cutting techniques, reducing its ability to develop new products.
7·For now, to develop the service industry and to solve the imbalance between environment and society have become the main issues of the twelfth five-year-plan in China.
8·In 1980, Iceland started to develop its tourist industry.
9·He made up his mind to develop the tea industry in order to help the local people get out of poverty.
10·The industry networks Web site provides more in-depth information on what it means to develop for, as well as become, an on Demand Business.